Academy Highlights
A Message from our Deputy Director, Dr. Katrice Noble
This year is an exciting one at Lift for Life Academy as it is the first year that we are a complete K-12 school, a dream come true and one that will allow us to teach, encourage and inspire children from a young age through their high school years.
Lift for Life Academy is a unique school where we truly work with students to better prepare them for life and help them determine a direction they want to take following graduation. Three years ago we established the SOAR program, where students have the opportunity to select career pathways of their choice, intern with organizations and businesses, work under a mentor and explore their passions before post-secondary education. Many of our students are thinking about careers in nursing. That is a direct result of a partnership with Mercy where kids got to visit the hospital and shadow nurses, doctors, and technicians. They received hands-on experiences and many of the students are now considering careers in the medical field. This is just one of our partnerships and one way that we are preparing our oldest students for the next steps in their journeys.
We are also committed to Project-Based Learning where students experience hands-on learning, research, and exercise voice and choice. After Covid, we created instructional model centers built around Competency-Based Learning to truly meet the needs of our students. We also recognize the importance of the arts - music, art, fashion, construction, culinary and other passions that’s going to create that spark in the eyes of our students.
Our current graduating class of 2023 received a total of $89,350 from Lift For Life Academy and awesome Donors in scholarships. This is not typical in most institutions.
In closing, here are some highlights about our Academy:
- We consistently graduate 90-95% of our students
- Approximately 90% of our students return annually
- Our largest percentage of graduates matriculate into a four-year university, two-year college, trade school or the military. A smaller percentage enters the workforce immediately after graduation. For them, our goal is to make sure that they receive some form of prior experience so that their first job becomes part of a career journey.
- This year, we have 3 former students (all from the class of 2018) who have graduated college and are full time LFLA teachers.
There have been countless people who have created our unique culture and school home– the dedicated teachers and staff, our dedicated co-founder, Marshall Cohen, and our large family of supporters. To all of you, thank you!
Dr. Katrice Noble
Deputy Director
Lift For Life Academy