About » FAQs


What is a charter school?

Charter schools are public schools of choice that offer greater flexibility in implementing different teaching methods and philosophies.  There is no charge to families because funding comes from state and local tax dollars.  Lift For Life Academy is a unique charter school because we are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of community leaders– not by a management company.  Every dollar of funding we receive stays at our school.

As a charter school, Lift For Life Academy operates under the sponsorship of Southeast Missouri State University to consistently provide an excellent, individualized education.

Who do we serve?

Our students live in St. Louis City and come to us from more than 20 ZIP codes.

  • The majority of student enroll in the Academy with reading and math skills anywhere from one to three years below their grade level.
  • More than 90 percent of students receive free or reduced-cost breakfast and lunch.
  • 93 percent of students are African American.
  • Many students move multiple times in their school career; many live in single-parent households and often in blighted urban areas.

Is it difficult to get accepted to Lift For Life Academy?

Charter schools take every student, however we can only take as many students as our capacity allows and classes fill up quickly.  We suggest you enroll your student in 6th grade.  However, you can find the student application here.

LFLA Student Application

Non-Discrimination Statement

The Lift For Life Academy public school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices.

Privacy Policy

You can find LFLA’s Privacy Policy HERE.

How many schools does Lift For Life Academy have?

Lift for Life Academy has a 6-8 middle school and a 9-12 high school on a single campus.