SOAR 1 & 2: Art & Design (2024-2025)-7 Assignments

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Past Assignments


Thursday to Tuesday (12-5-24 to 12-10-24): Making Beaded Ornaments in Google Classroom

Thursday to Tuesday (12-5-24 to 12-10-24): Making Beaded Ornaments

Hello Scholars!

Over the next several SOAR classes we will learn to create beaded ornaments to sell at the Lafayette Square Holiday Market. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can explain the benefits of collaboration.
I can effectively collaborate with my peers to complete a task or project. 
I can recognize the positive impacts of collaborative art that benefits the community.
Do Now:
Monday: Beaded Ornament Reflection (Google Form)

Learn how to create a repeated pattern of beads that fit the snowflake ornament
Learn how to curl the end of the wire to keep the beads in place
Create several ornaments that show creativity in pattern and color of beads. 
Exit Ticket:


Wednesday (12-4-24): Reflecting on Our Trophy in Google Classroom

Wednesday (12-4-24): Reflecting on Our Trophy

Hello Scholars!

Today we will complete our Trophy, reflect on the process, and decide where to display it.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can explain the benefits of collaboration.
I can effectively collaborate with my peers to complete a task or project. 
I can recognize the positive impacts of collaborative art that benefits the community.
Do Now:
Collaborative Trophy Project Rubric Reflection

Decide how the numbers will be interchanged
Glue the base on the Trophy
Hot Glue touch ups
Add more spray paint
Exit Ticket:


Monday to Friday (11-18-24 to 11-22-24): Reflecting on and Completing Our Trophy in Google Classroom

Monday to Friday (11-18-24 to 11-22-24): Reflecting on and Completing Our Trophy

Hello Scholars!

This week during our SOAR class we will complete our trophy for the First Friday events.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can explain the benefits of collaboration.
I can effectively collaborate with my peers to complete a task or project. 
I can recognize the positive impacts of collaborative art that benefits the community.
Do Now:
Monday: Trophy Collaboration Reflection (Google Form)
Tuesday: STLCC - Meramec Reflection (Google Form)

Reflect on our progress and give suggestions to finish.
Work Together to complete our collaborative Trophy project
Exit Ticket:
Collaborative Art Reflection


Thursday (11-7-24):  Introducing Justin Andrews in Google Classroom

Thursday (11-7-24): Introducing Justin Andrews

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class you will be introduced to Justin Andrews of Channel 4.

Lesson Objective(s): 
I can become familiar with different creative careers.
Do Now:
Greet Justin Andrews

Actively participate in the presentation from Justin Andrews
Exit Ticket:


Thursday to Wednesday (10-24-24 to 11-6-24): Intro to Collaborative Art in Google Classroom

Thursday to Wednesday (10-24-24 to 11-6-24): Intro to Collaborative Art

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class you will learn collaboration and begin to brainstorm a collaborative art project we will complete as a class. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can explain the benefits of collaboration.
I can effectively collaborate with my peers to complete a task or project. 
I can recognize the positive impacts of collaborative art that benefits the community.
Do Now:
Thursday: Collaboration Self Reflection (Google Form)
Monday: Collaboration and Teamwork (Google Form)
Wednesday: Meet Justin Andrews (Google Form)

Thursday & Friday

Participate in a discussion about Collaborative Art
Brainstorm a project that can meet the needs of our LFLA community
Find inspiration images
Begin a supply list
Monday -Thursday
Delegate responsibilities
Experiment / Practice with materials
Work Together to Create Project
Exit Ticket:
Collaborative Art Reflection


Tuesday (11-5-24): Collaborative Art with Amy Franceschini in Google Classroom

Tuesday (11-5-24): Collaborative Art with Amy Franceschini

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class you will learn more about Collaborative Art

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with Collaborative Art.
Do Now:
Open EdPuzzle Video
Collaborative Art EdPuzzle
--> Watch the video and answer questions along with way.
Exit Ticket:


Wednesday (10-23-24): Intro to Problem Solving and Collaboration in Google Classroom

Wednesday (10-23-24): Intro to Problem Solving and Collaboration

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class you will learn more about the soft skills known as Problem Solving and Collaboration with Sponge Bob characters.

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with Problem Solving and Collaboration.
Do Now:
Open Kahoots
Complete two independent Kahoots:
Problem Solving with Plankton
Collaboration with Mr. Krabs
Exit Ticket:


Tuesday (9-17-24): Missing & Incomplete Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday (9-17-24): Missing & Incomplete Work

Hello Scholars!

Today during our art class you will review the Assignment Tracker and work on any missing and incomplete assignments.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can use my best effort to complete any missing assignments.
Do Now:
Quarter 1 Grade Reflection (Google Form)
Reviewing the Assignment Tracker
Complete Missing Assignments
--> Website 
--> Professionalism Poster
Exit Ticket: 


Tuesday & Thursday (8-27-24 & 8-28-24): Illustrating Professionalism in Google Classroom

Tuesday & Thursday (8-27-24 & 8-28-24): Illustrating Professionalism

Hello Scholars!

Tuesday during our SOAR class we will finish up our lessons on Professionalism by creating a Poster illustration of the word using Adobe Express. On Thursday you will complete your Professionalism Poster with the substitute.

Lesson Objective(s):
Define what the term professionalism means and how it relates to real life situations.
Utilize a graphics program to effectively communicate the meaning of a word. 
Do Now:
Tuesday: Professionalism Quiz (Google Form)
Thursday: Open Up Adobe Express & Your Professionalism Illustration

Intro to Adobe Express
--> How to sign in / up
--> Creating a Project / Poster
--> Elements, Text, Layers, etc
Create Your Illustration
Complete Your Illustration to the best of your Ability
We will look these over next week and make any changes 
Exit Ticket:

Thursday: Post Whatever you complete to the Padlet


Monday (8-26-24): Completing missing assignments in Google Classroom

Monday (8-26-24): Completing missing assignments

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class we will review our grades and assignments and complete what is missing.

Lesson Objective(s):
Use my best effort to complete missing assignments to the best of my ability.
Do Now:
Review assignment tracker
Check your email to see if your chosen adult emailed you back
--> Share the most important part of the response onto the Padlet linked below.
Review missing do nows and complete them.
Exit Ticket:



Friday (8-23-24): Recognizing Professionalism (and Non-Professionalism) in Google Classroom

Friday (8-23-24): Recognizing Professionalism (and Non-Professionalism)

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class we will review the emails we received back from LFLA Adults and we will review and identify non-professional actions and comments.

Lesson Objective(s):
Define what the term professionalism means and how it relates to real life situations.
Effectively collaborate effectively in class discussions.
Do Now:
Reflecting on your first week's effort (Google Form)
Professionalism emails from LFLA Adults
--> Check your email to see if your chosen adult emailed you back
--> Share the most important part of the response onto the Padlet linked below.
Recognizing Non-Professionalism
--> As a class we will watch short videos and then identify the lack of professionalism in a statement on the Padlet linked below
Exit Ticket:



Thursday (8-22-24): Reviewing Our Professional Email in Google Classroom

Thursday (8-22-24): Reviewing Our Professional Email

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class we will review our Professional Emails and take a walk to the new Football Field.

Lesson Objective(s):
Define what the term professionalism means and how it relates to real life situations.
Effectively collaborate effectively in class discussions.
Do Now:
Review the Email You Sent Yesterday (Google Form)
Reviewing Our Professional Emails
--> You should send the email again if you are unhappy with any errors you found.
Walk to the new football field
Exit Ticket:



Monday (8-19-24): Welcome to SOAR Art & Design in Google Classroom

Monday (8-19-24): Welcome to SOAR Art & Design

Hello Scholars!

Today during our SOAR class you will learn a little bit about our class while sharing about yourself and learning about each other. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Interact positively with my classmates while discovering commonalities between myself and others.
Effectively collaborate effectively in class discussions.
Do Now:
Welcome Survey (Google Form)
Intro to SOAR, Art Class & Important School Expectations
Getting to Know Each Other
Intro to Collaboration
--> Puzzle Challenge
Exit Ticket: 
What questions do you have?