S1 Photography (2024)-1 Assignments

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Tuesday (12-17-24): Photography Portfolio Website  in Google Classroom

Tuesday (12-17-24): Photography Portfolio Website

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Photography class you will use Google Sites to add to the Website Portfolio that we created at the end of 1st quarter. This will be our Quarter 2 Photography Portfolio
Lesson Objective(s):
Add work to my website in order to share my accomplishments from photography class class.
Do Now:
Open my Website Portfolio from the link below
Open the Google Slide with Padlet Links

Follow along as we watch the YouTube video below to add to our existing Website Portfolio:
Photography Portfolio:
--> Recording with Light (ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed)
--> Include the settings below each photo and why those settings improve your photos
--> Field Trips and Photo Walks 
--> Bubbles & Soulard Market
--> Botanical Gardens
--> Tower Grove Park
--> Zoo
--> Focal Length Notes
--> ISO Notes
--> Aperture Notes
--> Shutter Speed Notes
Exit Ticket: 

Publish Your Website


Wednesday (12-11-24): Photos to Sell at Showcase in Google Classroom

Wednesday (12-11-24): Photos to Sell at Showcase

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Photography class you will select 5 of your photos from first semester to sell at our showcase sale next week. Consider choosing photos that will appeal to a variety of people so they have a better chance to sell. 
Lesson Objective(s):
Utilize photography software to resize images for printing.
Select photos that show skill and interesting subject matter.
Do Now:
Art Sale Agreement (Google Form)

Look through the Padlets to find the photos you want to sell. You need to select the following:
--> 2 for 8x10
--> 1 for 11x14
All photos should be size accordingly in Adobe Photoshop 
--> Crop Tool set to 8x10 and 300dpi
--> Crop Tool set to 11x14 and 300dpi
AND saved with the Size and Student Name in the file name and it must be a JPEG. EX: 
--> Brand1st8x10.jpg
--> Brand2nd8x10.jpg
--> Brand1st11x14.jpg
Exit Ticket: 

Attach photos to the Classroom Assignment


Thursday (12-12-24): Uploading and Editing Our Zoo Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday (12-12-24): Uploading and Editing Our Zoo Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload,  review  and edit our Zoo photos using Adobe Photoshop Elements. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can identify different shutter speeds in my photographs.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Begin Uploading Your Photos

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "STL Zoo 12/11/24"
Review and Download 3-5 Photos 
Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Exit Ticket: 
Format the Memory Card and Add 2-4 photos on the Padlet


Tuesday (12-10-24): Missing Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday (12-10-24): Missing Work

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we take some time to review the assignment tracker and complete any missing assignments. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Complete missing assignments to the best of your ability
Do Now:
Review the Assignment Tracker
Work on Editing Photos for missing Padlets
Work on completing unfinished do nows
Exit Ticket:


Friday & Monday (12-6-24 & 12-9-24): Photo Calendar in Google Classroom

Friday & Monday (12-6-24 & 12-9-24): Photo Calendar

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Photography class we will discuss how we can create a photo calendar to sell for the holidays. 
Lesson Objective(s):
Create practical items that showcase my strengths as a photographer.
Do Now:
Photography Calendar Survey (Google Form)

Create an 11x8.5 300dpi image in Photoshop Elements
Add in some guides to help center the image
Find an image you want to showcase on your calendar month 
Insert Calendar Image
Add "Photograph taken by..." 18 point font
Save the image as a psd, upload them to your Google Drive Photography Folder and attach it to this assignment
Exit Ticket: 

Save the image as a jpg and add it to the Padlet


Thursday (12-5-24): Uploading and Editing Our Tower Grove Park Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday (12-5-24): Uploading and Editing Our Tower Grove Park Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload,  review  and edit our photos from Tower Grove Park using Adobe Photoshop Elements. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can identify different focal lengths in my photographs.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Begin Uploading Your Photos

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "Tower Grove Park 10/23/24"
Review and Download 3-5 Photos from Tower Grove Park
Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Exit Ticket: 
Format the Memory Card and Add 2-4 photos on the Padlet


Wednesday (12-4-24): Tower Grove Park Field Trip in Google Classroom

Wednesday (12-4-24): Tower Grove Park Field Trip

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a field trip to Tower Grove Park to practice taking photos while consciously paying attention to .

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready
Discuss camera settings they might want to try
Take Photos at Tower Grove Park
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Tuesday (12-3-24): Intro to Metadata in Google Classroom

Tuesday (12-3-24): Intro to Metadata

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about Metadata and how to access it for the photos you take.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can understand how cameras record light.
Do Now:
Shutter Speed Quiz (Google Form)
Log in to Google Drive on the MacBook Air
Download and Open one of your original files in Adobe Photoshop Elements
--> Use the Bubble Photos or Soulard Market (10-30) Photos
View the Metadata and Add that info to the Padlet.
Edit Your Photo Using Photoshop & Attach to this assignment
Exit Ticket: 
Why is it important to know how to access your photo's metadata?


Friday (11-22-24): Uploading and Editing Our Painting with Light Photos in Google Classroom

Friday (11-22-24): Uploading and Editing Our Painting with Light Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload,  review  and edit our Painting with Light photos using Adobe Photoshop Elements. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can identify different shutter speeds in my photographs.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Begin Uploading Your Photos

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "Painting with Light 11/21/24"
Review and Download 3-5 Photos 
Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Exit Ticket: 
Format the Memory Card and Add 2-4 photos on the Padlet


Thursday (11-21-24): Painting with Light (Long Exposures with Slow Shutter Speeds) in Google Classroom

Thursday (11-21-24): Painting with Light (Long Exposures with Slow Shutter Speeds)

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will learn about how to set long shutter speeds in order to paint with light.

Lesson Objective(s):
Know how cameras record light.
Explain how shutter speed impacts to the photographs I take.
Do Now:
Painting with Light (Google Form)

Set up Tripods
Discuss Manual Focus
Discuss Colored Films for Flashlights
Exit Ticket:
Put Equipment Away


Wednesday (11-20-24): Introduction to Andre Wagner (Virtual Assignment) in Google Classroom

Wednesday (11-20-24): Introduction to Andre Wagner (Virtual Assignment)

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about a photographer named Andre Wagner and his life as a Brooklyn Photographer

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with a photographer who made an impact on American Art.
Do Now:
Introduction to Andre Wagner (Google Form)

Andre Wagner: On Being a Black Photographer (EdPuzzle Video)
--> Watch this video and answer the questions along the way.
Exit Ticket:


Monday & Tuesday (11-18-24 & 11-19-24): Introduction to Shutter Speed in Google Classroom

Monday & Tuesday (11-18-24 & 11-19-24): Introduction to Shutter Speed

Hello Photographers!

Today and tomorrow during our photography class we will learn about the Shutter Speed setting on the camera and take sketchnotes to illustrate the most important information. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Know how cameras record light.
Use Sketch Notes to identify, collect, categorize, and display information during presentations, videos, and discussions.
Explain how shutter speed impacts to the photographs I take.
Do Now:
Aperture Review (Google Form)

Learn about Shutter Speed while taking sketchnotes
Exit Ticket:
Take a photo of your notes and add them to the Classroom Assignment


Thursday & Friday (11-14-24 & 11-15-24): Editing Our Botanical Gardens Photos & Class Hoodie Design in Google Classroom

Thursday & Friday (11-14-24 & 11-15-24): Editing Our Botanical Gardens Photos & Class Hoodie Design

Hello Photographers!

Today during our short Photography class we will edit our photos from the Botanical Gardens & discuss our Photography Class Hoodies while we decide what design we want to screen print on them. 
Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
I can learn a new art technique and how it can be used to decorate apparel.
Do Now:
Hoodie Survey (Google Form)

Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Hoodie Design
--> Review the attached slide show
--> Share new ideas and contribute to the Hoodie Design
Exit Ticket:
Add Your Edited Photos to the Padlet


Wednesday (11-13-24): Introduction to Aperture in Google Classroom

Wednesday (11-13-24): Introduction to Aperture

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will learn about the Aperture setting on the camera and take sketchnotes to illustrate the most important information. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Know how cameras record light.
Use Sketch Notes to identify, collect, categorize, and display information during presentations, videos, and discussions.
Explain how aperture impacts to the photographs I take.
Do Now:
Get your sketchbook and draw the heading of your notes

Learn about Aperture while taking sketchnotes
Exit Ticket:
Take a photo of your notes and attach it to Google Classroom


Thursday (11-7-24): Uploading Our Botanical Gardens Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday (11-7-24): Uploading Our Botanical Gardens Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload our photos from the Botanical Gardens.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can identify different focal lengths in my photographs.
Do Now:
Get Your Camera

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "Botanical Gardens 11/6/24"
Exit Ticket: 
Format the Memory Card


Tuesday (11-5-24 Virtual): Introduction to Aperture in Google Classroom

Tuesday (11-5-24 Virtual): Introduction to Aperture

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Virtual photography class you will learn about Aperture.

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with how cameras record light.
Do Now:
Open EdPuzzle Video

Photography: Aperture EdPuzzle Video)
--> Watch this video and answer the questions along the way.
Exit Ticket:


Friday (11-1-24): Bubble Photography - Practicing ISO & Focal Length in Google Classroom

Friday (11-1-24): Bubble Photography - Practicing ISO & Focal Length

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will practice changing our ISO and Focal Length while we photograph large bubbles.

Lesson Objective(s): 
Understand how cameras record light.
Explain the difference between different Focal Lengths and different ISOs.
Demonstrate how to change settings like ISO and Focal Length.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready

Walk to Playground to Photography Bubbles.
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Thursday (10-31-24): Upload Photos & Missing Work in Google Classroom

Thursday (10-31-24): Upload Photos & Missing Work

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload the photos we took yest. With any time remaining we can complete missing assignments. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can recognize different focal lengths and ISO settings in my photographs.
Do Now:
Get Camera

Create a Drive Folder for Your New Photos and Upload Them (Soulard Market 10/30/24)
Add Photos to 
Complete missing assignments
Exit Ticket: 
Format Your Memory Card & Put Away Camera


Tuesday (10-29-24): ISO Sketchnotes in Google Classroom

Tuesday (10-29-24): ISO Sketchnotes

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about ISO and take some sketchnotes in your visual journal.

Lesson Objective(s):
Understand how cameras record light.
Explain the difference between ISO settings and when to change them.
Do Now:
Adobe Photoshop Reflection (Google Form)

View the presentation and video while learning about ISO and taking sketchnotes
Exit Ticket:
Take a photo of your sketchnotes and attach to Classroom.


Monday (10-28-24): Reviewing Cameras, Composition Techniques, and Focal Length in Google Classroom

Monday (10-28-24): Reviewing Cameras, Composition Techniques, and Focal Length

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will play Kahoot to review the parts of the camea, composition techniques, and focal length. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can explain basic camera parts and functions.
I can recognize photographic composition techniques
I can explain the difference between focal lengths.
Do Now:
Open Kahoot

Review what we have been learning about in photography class by playing a Kahoot together
Be sure to use a name I can recognize when I grade your participation.  
Exit Ticket: 


Friday (10-25-24): Focal Length Practice in Google Classroom

Friday (10-25-24): Focal Length Practice

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about Focal Length and take some sketchnotes in your visual journal.

Lesson Objective(s):
Understand how cameras record light.
Explain the difference between different focal lengths.
Do Now:
Focal Length Review

Focal Length Practice:
--> Try out the same photo with different focal lengths
Exit Ticket:
Put Cameras Away


Thursday (10-24-24): Focal Length Sketchnotes in Google Classroom

Thursday (10-24-24): Focal Length Sketchnotes

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about Focal Length and take some sketchnotes in your visual journal.

Lesson Objective(s):
Understand how cameras record light.
Explain the difference between different focal lengths.
Do Now:
Teacher/Course Evaluation

View the presentation and video while learning about Focal Length and taking sketchnotes
Exit Ticket:
Take a photo of your sketchnotes and attach to Classroom.


Wednesday (10-23-24): Focal Length for Beginners Kahoot in Google Classroom

Wednesday (10-23-24): Focal Length for Beginners Kahoot

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about Focal Length and play Kahoot to show your understanding. Mr Rick will facilitate the discussion.

Lesson Objective(s):
Understand how cameras record light.
Explain the difference between different focal lengths.
Do Now:
Open the Kahoot Link

Follow along as Mr. Rick facilitates a discussion about Focal Length
--> Be sure to view the slides in the Kahoot presentation carefully so that you can get the quiz questions correct. 
--> Make sure the name you choose is one that I know so you can receive credit
Exit Ticket:


Tuesday (10-22-24): Favorite Color Flower Sub Assignment in Google Classroom

Tuesday (10-22-24): Favorite Color Flower Sub Assignment

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class you will create a drawing using one of the "How To Draw Flowers" step by step tutorials. When you are finished drawing, you should add your favorite color.

Lesson Objective(s):
Use my best effort to follow the steps to accurately draw an object.
Use my best craftsmanship using colored pencils, markers or crayons. 
Do Now:
Retrieve a handout from the sub and get a "How To Draw Flowers Packet"
Select a Flower Starter Paper and carefully draw the flower step by step
--> Add your favorite color color to your flower. 
--> Attach a photo of your drawing to this classroom assignment.
Exit Ticket:
Return the packet back to the substitute
Turn in the drawing to the substitute


Tuesday & Wednesday (10-15-24 & 10-16-24): Adding Your Composition Techniques Photos to your Photography Portfolio Google Site  in Google Classroom

Tuesday & Wednesday (10-15-24 & 10-16-24): Adding Your Composition Techniques Photos to your Photography Portfolio Google Site

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Photography class you will finish your Google Site website portfolio by adding your Composition Techniques Photos

Lesson Objective(s):
Create a website that shares my work and accomplishments from photography class.
Do Now:
Tuesday: End of First Quarter Reflection (Google Form)
Wednesday: Website Reflection (Google Form)

Finish Website Portfolio
--> Add Composition Techniques Photos (minimum 1 for each technique)
Exit Ticket: 

Publish Your Website Portfolio


Friday & Monday (10-11-24 & 10-14-24): Photography Portfolio Google Site  in Google Classroom

Friday & Monday (10-11-24 & 10-14-24): Photography Portfolio Google Site

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Photography class you will create the Google Site website portfolio that we will use all school year to showcase and share the photos and other work you create. Be sure to include one of your photos for your header.

Lesson Objective(s):
Create a website that shares my work and accomplishments from photography class.
Do Now:
Friday: Website Portfolio EdPuzzle
Monday: Open the Website Link and find your website from the previous school year.

Follow along as we watch the YouTube video below to begin the steps for creating our Art Portfolio Websites.
--> Select Theme
--> Add in Pages (Photography Portfolio, SKETCHBOOK, Independent Work)
--> Add in Photo Name Design
--> Add in Photos of Sketchnotes x2 (Syllabus and Composition)
--> Add Composition Techniques Photos (minimum 1 for each technique)
--> Add First Shots from Padlet(edited with Adobe Photoshop Elements)
--> Add iPad Photos from the first 2 weeks of school (optional)
Exit Ticket: 

Publish Your Website Portfolio 


Thursday & Friday (10-3-24 & 10-4-24): Uploading & Editing Our Lafayette Park Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday & Friday (10-3-24 & 10-4-24): Uploading & Editing Our Lafayette Park Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today and tomorrow during our photography class we will upload our photos from Pontiac Park and edit them using Adobe Photoshop Elements. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can utilize and recognize the photographic composition techniques in the photos I take.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Thursday: Get Your Camera 
 Friday: Open Your Photos with Adobe Photoshop

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "Lafayette Park 10/2/24"
Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Exit Ticket: 
Thursday: Format the Memory Card
Friday: Post 2-3 photos on the Padelt


Thursday (10-3-24): Writing with Style in Google Classroom

Thursday (10-3-24): Writing with Style

Hello Artists, 

I am sorry that I was out sick today. For your sub assignment, you will create the alphabet in at least 4 different styles of fonts.

Lesson Objective(s)
Use my best craftsmanship and effort to redraw fonts in an interesting style.
Do Now:
Collect the Writing with Style Packet and Alphabet Handout
Look through the packet and find an interesting font to use for all the letters of the alphabet.
You should use at least 4 different fonts on your handout.
Exit Ticket: 
Turn in the handout to the substitute and/or take a photo and add it to this classroom assignment


Wednesday (10-2-24): Lafayette Park Field Trip in Google Classroom

Wednesday (10-2-24): Lafayette Park Field Trip

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a field trip to Lafayette Park to practice taking photos using formal composition techniques.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with photographic composition techniques.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready
Take Photos at Pontiac Park
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Thursday & Friday (9-26-24 & 9-27-24): Uploading & Editing Our Pontiac Park Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday & Friday (9-26-24 & 9-27-24): Uploading & Editing Our Pontiac Park Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today and tomorrow during our photography class we will upload our photos from Pontiac Park and edit them using Adobe Photoshop Elements. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can utilize and recognize the photographic composition techniques in the photos I take.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Thursday: Get Your Camera 
 Friday: Open Your Photos with Adobe Photoshop

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title your folder "Pontiac Park 9/25/24"
Edit Your Photos with Photoshop
--> Crop Your Image
--> Adjust the Lighting (Brightness & Contrast OR Levels)
--> Adjust the Color (Hue Saturation)
Exit Ticket: 
Thursday: Format the Memory Card
Friday: Post 2-3 photos on the Padelt


Wednesday (9-25-24): Pontiac Park Field Trip in Google Classroom

Wednesday (9-25-24): Pontiac Park Field Trip

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a field trip to Pontiac Park to practice taking photos using formal composition techniques.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with photographic composition techniques.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready
Take Photos at Pontiac Park
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Tuesday (9-24-24): Review Composition Techniques in Google Classroom

Tuesday (9-24-24): Review Composition Techniques

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will review the composition techniques we learned about a couple classes ago.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with photographic composition techniques.
Do Now:
Composition Tips Quiz (Google Form)

Recognizing Composition Tips:
--> Visit Mr. Rick's Website and find photos that match each of the 4 Composition Tips we learned about
--> Screenshot the photos and add them to the appropriate category of the Padlet
Exit Ticket: 
Define the Composition Tip


Monday (9-23-24): Upload Photos & Missing Work in Google Classroom

Monday (9-23-24): Upload Photos & Missing Work

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload the photos we took on Friday. With any time remaining we can complete missing assignments. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with photographic composition techniques.
Do Now:
Get Camera

Create a Drive Folder for Your New Photos and Upload Them
Complete missing assignments
Exit Ticket: 
Format Your Memory Card & Put Away Camera


Friday (9-20-24): Formal Composition Practice Photo Walk in Google Classroom

Friday (9-20-24): Formal Composition Practice Photo Walk

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a photo walk around Soulard to practice the composition tips we learned last week. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can explain the connection between Composition and the photos that I create.
I can utilize the composition tips to improve my photographs.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready

Photo walk around the school using the digital cameras 
--> Leading the Eye
--> Rule of Thirds
--> Balance
--> Simplicity
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Thursday (9-19-24): Introduction to Composition in Photography  in Google Classroom

Thursday (9-19-24): Introduction to Composition in Photography

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will learn about photographic composition. We will create sketchnotes in our Journals in order to better understand the information.

Lesson Objective(s):
Use Sketchnotes to identify, collect, categorize, and display information during presentations, videos, and discussions.
Know the importance of composition in the photographs I will create. 
Do Now:
Intro to Photo Composition (Google Form)
Introduction to Composition 
--> We will Read about Composition while taking sketchnotes together
Take a nice photo of your sketchnotes and attach them to this assignment.
Exit Ticket:
Take a photo of your notes and attach them to the classroom assignment.


Wednesday (9-18-24): Introduction to Carrie Mae Weems in Google Classroom

Wednesday (9-18-24): Introduction to Carrie Mae Weems

Hello Photographers!

Today during our Virtual photography class you will learn about a photographer named Carrie Mae Weems and her photo series titled Kitchen Table Series in which she has cast herself as a portrait model. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with a photographer who made an impact on American Art.
Do Now:
Introduction to Carrie Mae Weems (Google Form)

Kitchen Table Series by Carrie Mae Weems (EdPuzzle Video)
--> Watch this video and answer the questions along the way.
Exit Ticket:


Tuesday (9-17-24): Assembling Our Photography Visual Journal (sketchbook) & Missing Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday (9-17-24): Assembling Our Photography Visual Journal (sketchbook) & Missing Work

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will help to print and assemble our Photography Visual Journal. We will also have a chance to review the assignment tracker and complete any missing assignments. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with the various online programs, materials and classroom procedures.
Do Now:
Quarter 1 Grade Reflection (Google Form)
Finish Your Name Design if you didn't last class.
Help to assemble your sketchbook
Review Assignment Tracker and Complete Missing Assignments
Exit Ticket:
What do you like the most about your sketchbook?


Wednesday (9-11-24): Photo Name Design in Google Classroom

Wednesday (9-11-24): Photo Name Design

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn a little more about Adobe Photoshop Elements. We will use layers and other tools to create a Photo Name Design.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with the various online programs, materials and classroom procedures.
I can become familiar with Collaboration, Effort & Composition as a criteria for which I will be graded throughout the course.
Do Now:
Download 2-3 of your favorite photos (to use for our Photo Name Design sketchbook covers)
Review the example Photo Name Designs
Follow along with the video, as a class, to create your own Photo Name Design
Exit Ticket:
Post Your Photo Name Design to the Padlet


Friday to Tuesday (9-6-24 to 9-10-24): Intro to Photoshop Elements in Google Classroom

Friday to Tuesday (9-6-24 to 9-10-24): Intro to Photoshop Elements

Hello Photographers!

Today and Monday during our photography class we will learn how to use Photoshop Elements

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
I can become familiar with an editing program to improve the quality of my photographs.
Do Now:
Log in to MacBook & Google Drive Account & Download Your Favorite Image from Soulard and/or Flood Wall

Intro to Photoshop Elements
Edit 2-3 Photos using Photoshop Elements
Exit Ticket: 
Add Photos to the Padlet


Wednesday (9-4-24): Flood Wall Field Trip in Google Classroom

Wednesday (9-4-24): Flood Wall Field Trip

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a brief walk around Soulard to practice using our cameras.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready
Take Photos at the Flood Wall
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Thursday (9-5-24): Reviewing & Uploading Our Flood Wall Photos in Google Classroom

Thursday (9-5-24): Reviewing & Uploading Our Flood Wall Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload our photos from the Flood Wall

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
Do Now:
 Field Trip Survey (Google Form)

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title that Flood Wall 9/4/24
Exit Ticket: 
Format the Cameras


Tuesday (9-3-24): Reviewing Our Recent Soulard Photos in Google Classroom

Tuesday (9-3-24): Reviewing Our Recent Soulard Photos

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will upload our photos and complete any missing assignments.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
Do Now:
Camera Quiz (Google Form)

Upolad Photos to a folder in your Photography Folder
--> Title that Folder Soulard Walk 8/30/24
Review the assignment tracker and complete anything that is missing
Exit Ticket: 


Friday (8-30-24): First Soulard Walk in Google Classroom

Friday (8-30-24): First Soulard Walk

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will take a brief walk around Soulard to practice using our cameras.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with basic camera settings and functions.
Do Now:
Get Camera Ready

Walk around Soulard
Exit Ticket: 
Put Camera Away


Thursday (8-29-24): Introduction to Gordon Parks (Sub Assignment) in Google Classroom

Thursday (8-29-24): Introduction to Gordon Parks (Sub Assignment)

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class you will learn about a photographer named Gordon Parks and his photographic work from the 1940s and 50s.

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with a photographer who made an impact on American Art.
Do Now:
Introduction to Gordon Parks (Google Form)

What Gordon Parks Saw (EdPuzzle Video)
--> Watch this video and answer the questions along the way.
Exit Ticket:


Wednesday (8-28-24): Camera Unboxing in Google Classroom

Wednesday (8-28-24): Camera Unboxing

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photography class we will unbox the Canon DSLR and Sony Mirrorless cameras. We will set them up properly and explore the features 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can become familiar with cameras we will be using in photography class
Do Now:
What do you know about Digital Cameras? (Google Form)
Camera Unboxing (Wheel of Names)
Put our Cameras Together
Exit Ticket:
Clean Up and Put Away Cameras


Monday & Tuesday (8-26-24 & 8-27-24): Intro to Sketchnoting in Google Classroom

Monday & Tuesday (8-26-24 & 8-27-24): Intro to Sketchnoting

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class we will review the syllabus using the Sketchnoting technique. 

Lesson Objective(s):
Become familiar with the various materials, classroom procedures and expectations.
Become familiar with sketchnoting as a method for note taking used in the art classes. 
Do Now:
Note Taking in Class (Google Form)
Review the Syllabus
Pause during the review to take Sketchnotes, 
--> Sketchnotes are concise drawings that illustrate the key points from the syllabus.
Exit Ticket: 
Take a photo of your sketchnotes and Attach to classroom assignment


Friday (8-23-24): Providing Constructive Feedback  in Google Classroom

Friday (8-23-24): Providing Constructive Feedback

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class we will review the photos we have been taking on the iPad and add the to a shared folder and a Padlet.

Lesson Objective(s):
Explore my understanding of visual imagery while capturing what I find visually appealing.
Become familiar with the various online programs, materials and classroom procedures.
Gain insights into meanings of photographs by engaging in the process of art criticism.
Do Now:
Rate Your First Week's Effort (Google Form)
What is Critique?
Composition Padlet Critique
--> Select 3 photos from the Padlet and use the sentence starters to add a comment.
Exit Ticket: 
Vote / Like your favorite photos.


Wednesday (8-21-24): Getting to Know Mrs. Brand & Composition Pre-Assessment in Google Classroom

Wednesday (8-21-24): Getting to Know Mrs. Brand & Composition Pre-Assessment

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class you will have another opportunity to learn about me, Mrs. Brand. We will also take one more walk around school to capture any interesting compositions.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can interact positively with my classmates while discovering commonalities between myself and others.
Explore my understanding of visual imagery while capturing what I find visually appealing.
Do Now:
What makes an interesting photo? (Google Form)
Getting to Know Mrs. Brand
Composition Pre-Assessment (iPad)
Exit Ticket: 
What was the most challenging part of taking photos with the iPad?


Tuesday (8-20-24): Getting to Know Each Other & Composition Pre-Assessment in Google Classroom

Tuesday (8-20-24): Getting to Know Each Other & Composition Pre-Assessment

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class you will have another opportunity to learn about your class mates. We will also take time to explore the visual aesthetic of our school.

Lesson Objective(s):
I can interact positively with my classmates while discovering commonalities between myself and others.
I can explore my identity, personality, and interests to help foster collaboration with my peers.
Explore my understanding of visual imagery while capturing what I find visually appealing.
Do Now:
How was your first day of school? (Google Form)
Small Talk Jenga
Composition Pre-Assessment (iPad)
Exit Ticket: 
What activity did you enjoy the most today and why?


Monday (8-19-24): Welcome to Photography Class in Google Classroom

Monday (8-19-24): Welcome to Photography Class

Hello Photographers!

Today during our photo class you will learn a little bit about our class while sharing about yourself and learning about each other. 

Lesson Objective(s):
I can interact positively with my classmates while discovering commonalities between myself and others.
I can explore my identity, personality, and interests to help foster collaboration with my peers.
Explore my understanding of visual imagery while capturing what I find visually appealing.
Do Now:
Artist Survey (Google Form)
Photography Class Organization
Important Expectations
Getting to Know Each Other
Composition Pre-Assessment (iPad)
Exit Ticket: 
What questions do you have?